
Brainster Online | Swiss EP Talks

Business as unusual

An honest chat with Max Gurvits and Nina Nikolic about moving into an unprecedented period in our business lives.

April 14th - 18:00 h

What's the lecture about?

As we move into an unprecedented period in our business lives, we need to adjust to the reality that budgets are shrinking and meeting our clients, investors, and partners will become much less convenient. But here’s the good thing: startups have better chances to become successful in times of difficulty. In this session, Max will take us back to crises in 2008, 2000, and even before to show examples of founders that too advantage of difficult times, and to share some simple tricks on how to improve your chances with clients and investors alike in a period like this.
Моментално пријавени учесници
Max Gurvits is an entrepreneur and investor based in Sofia, Bulgaria. With a few startups and investments behind his back, Max has been active in helping develop the regional entrepreneurship ecosystem in our region, with projects like TRACTION Camp, EIR, Summit Summit, Mobility Fund, and many more. This year, Max is leading the launch of a new EUR 20m fund in the Balkans, and will continue connecting entrepreneurs in the Balkans with opportunities worldwide.

Max Gurvits

“Swiss EP Talks” is an initiative by the Swiss Entrepreneurship Program (Swiss EP), funded by the Government of Switzerland and implemented by Swisscontact in consortium with J.E. Austin.

After the lecture, you’ll have Q&A session so prepare your questions in advance.


Business as unusual

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Business as unusual with Max Gurvits and Nina Nikolic

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